Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics
Flight Id: ASV4068    Flight Date: 2017-02-05    Pilot: Janice Lacy
Aircraft Name: Atlantic Sun Airways Embraer ERJ-170
Aircraft Type: MEJ
Departure: UKL2
Arrival: EGPH - Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Departure Time: 08:42:00(08:43:00 GMT)
Arrival Time: 09:52:00(09:53:00 GMT)
Passengers: 52
Cargo: 0 lbs
Flight Result: Very Bad
Take-Off Weight: 70922 lbs
Landing Weight: 63094 lbs
Take-Off fuel: 15660 lbs
Landing Fuel: 7714 lbs
TotalBlockTime: 01:09:38
TotalBlockTimeNight: 00:00:00
TotalAirbornTime: 01:04:44
TotalTimeOnGround: 00:09:10
MaxAltitude: 28064ft
LandingSpeed: 128 kt
LandingPitch: 1.74"
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: -539.23ft/mn
CaptainSentMayday: 0
CrashFlag: 0
PassengersOpinion: 99%
PassengersOpinionText: -Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
FailureText: the left tank developed a major fuel leak resulting in total fuel loss. The pilot landed roughly causing one tire to explode.
Pilot Bonus: 30
PilotBonusText: You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Pilot Penality: 650
PilotPenalityText: Landing so roughly that a tire explode is not a good idea. (-300)
You had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350)