Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics
Flight Id: ASV1360    Flight Date: 2006-03-30    Pilot: Sean Jones
Aircraft Name: Atlantic Sun Airways Boeing 737-800
Aircraft Type: MEJ
Departure: KDEN - Denver Intl - Usa
Arrival: KDFW - Dallas Fort Worth Intl - Usa
Departure Time: 10:07:00(17:08:00 GMT)
Arrival Time: 12:37:00(18:38:00 GMT)
Passengers: 160
Cargo: 18287 lbs
Flight Result: Bad
Take-Off Weight: 142956 lbs
Landing Weight: 134426 lbs
Take-Off fuel: 13821 lbs
Landing Fuel: 5172 lbs
TotalBlockTime: 01:29:47
TotalBlockTimeNight: 00:00:00
TotalAirbornTime: 01:19:28
TotalTimeOnGround: 00:13:37
MaxAltitude: 33136ft
LandingSpeed: 128 kt
LandingPitch: 7.13"
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: -243.85ft/mn
CaptainSentMayday: 0
CrashFlag: 0
PassengersOpinion: 76%
PassengersOpinionText: -Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Didn't understand why they were required to keep their seatbelts on even after reaching cruise level.
-Were angry because you rolled off the runway upon arrival.
Pilot Bonus: 80
PilotBonusText: You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Pilot Penality: 488
PilotPenalityText: At arrival airport you rolled at 78 kt beyond the edge of the runway without any emergency. The landing gear sustained some damage and our company has received a fine of $858. (-390)
Parking brake should only be used when that aircraft has stopped, you used it at speed of 14 kt your aircraft was damaged. (-98)