Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics |
Flight Id: ASV3925 Flight Date: 2005-10-01 Pilot: Andreas Schmitz-Schunken
Aircraft Name: | Atlantic Sun Airways McDonnell-Douglas MD95 |
Aircraft Type: | MEJ |
Departure: | EDDT - Tegel - Germany |
Arrival: | EFHK - Helsinki Vantaa - Finland |
Departure Time: | 11:08:00(10:09:00 GMT) |
Arrival Time: | 12:56:00(11:57:00 GMT) |
Passengers: | 100 |
Cargo: | 11898 lbs |
Flight Result: | Poor |
Take-Off Weight: | 114036 lbs |
Landing Weight: | 108319 lbs |
Take-Off fuel: | 17308 lbs |
Landing Fuel: | 11467 lbs |
TotalBlockTime: | 01:48:02 |
TotalBlockTimeNight: | 00:00:00 |
TotalAirbornTime: | 01:40:39 |
TotalTimeOnGround: | 00:07:44 |
MaxAltitude: | 33061ft |
LandingSpeed: | 127 kt |
LandingPitch: | 5.19" |
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: | -620ft/mn |
CaptainSentMayday: | 0 |
CrashFlag: | 0 |
PassengersOpinion: | 97% |
PassengersOpinionText: | -Were highly entertained by the movie. -Were cheerful because of the drinks served . -Were in a better mood because they had food. -Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience. -Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing). |
FailureText: | |
CasualtiesText: | |
Pilot Bonus: | 130 |
PilotBonusText: | Good Flight, no problems and satisfied passengers. (+100) You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30) |
Pilot Penality: | 450 |
PilotPenalityText: | You made a very hard landing at -619 ft/mn and the tires sustained damage. (-400) You authorized food/drink to be served too late in the flight and it was interrupted by arrival procedures. (-50) |
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