Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics |
Flight Id: ASV3079 Flight Date: 2020-08-11 Pilot: ASV0726 Scott C
Aircraft Name: | B737sw AZL FREEWARE_(C)_TDS_16AUG2013_737_CF |
Aircraft Type: | MEJ |
Departure: | SBGL - Galeao-Antonio C Jobim In - Brazil |
Arrival: | SPIM - Jorge Chavez Intl - Peru |
Departure Time: | 05:39:00(08:40:00 GMT) |
Arrival Time: | 09:40:00(14:40:00 GMT) |
Passengers: | 110 |
Cargo: | 13999 lbs |
Flight Result: | Perfect |
Take-Off Weight: | 155251 lbs |
Landing Weight: | 121033 lbs |
Take-Off fuel: | 38686 lbs |
Landing Fuel: | 4346 lbs |
TotalBlockTime: | 06:00:34 |
TotalBlockTimeNight: | 00:08:51 |
TotalAirbornTime: | 05:50:06 |
TotalTimeOnGround: | 00:19:17 |
MaxAltitude: | 38011ft |
LandingSpeed: | 112 kt |
LandingPitch: | 4.54" |
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: | -120ft/mn |
CaptainSentMayday: | 1 |
CrashFlag: | 0 |
PassengersOpinion: | 100% |
PassengersOpinionText: | -Were in a better mood because they had food. -Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience. -Were very anxious because of the problem during flight. -Were relieved to land safely after an emergency. |
FailureText: | One engine developed a problem, at first only a slight loss of power was noticeable with oil temperature rising. The solution in such cases can be to lower the power slightly down to the point where the oil temperature stabilizes, however this was not done resulting in complete engine failure. |
CasualtiesText: | |
Pilot Bonus: | 800 |
PilotBonusText: | You made a very smooth landing. (+50) There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150) A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+600) |
Pilot Penality: | 150 |
PilotPenalityText: | Stalling an aircraft full of passengers even with a problem aboard is NOT a good idea. (-150) |
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