Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics |
Flight Id: ASV6080 Flight Date: 2014-04-24 Pilot: Michael McAlpine
Aircraft Name: | MJC8Q400_ANA |
Aircraft Type: | MET |
Departure: | VVTS - Tansonnhat - Vietnam |
Arrival: | VDPP - Phnom Penh Intl - Cambodia |
Departure Time: | 12:25:00(05:25:00 GMT) |
Arrival Time: | 12:02:00(06:02:00 GMT) |
Passengers: | 58 |
Cargo: | 0 lbs |
Flight Result: | Horrible |
Take-Off Weight: | 49282 lbs |
Landing Weight: | 56850 lbs |
Take-Off fuel: | 11708 lbs |
Landing Fuel: | 3569 lbs |
TotalBlockTime: | 00:44:51 |
TotalBlockTimeNight: | 00:00:00 |
TotalAirbornTime: | 00:32:46 |
TotalTimeOnGround: | 00:13:24 |
MaxAltitude: | 11200ft |
LandingSpeed: | 126 kt |
LandingPitch: | 5.30" |
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: | -186.15ft/mn |
CaptainSentMayday: | 0 |
CrashFlag: | 0 |
PassengersOpinion: | 0% |
PassengersOpinionText: | -Are pleased to have landed right on schedule. -Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+1.00 0.01). -Didn't like your acrobatic flight (repeated G-forces). |
FailureText: | |
CasualtiesText: | |
Pilot Bonus: | 180 |
PilotBonusText: | You made a very nice landing. (+50) You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30) Precise arrival time at destination.(00h00:09 difference) (+100) |
Pilot Penality: | 900 |
PilotPenalityText: | Commercial aircraft are not designed for aerobatics, you created excess G-forces. (-600) Flight regulations require that you have sufficient fuel reserves upon landing (45 mn); you only had reserves for 00h14 of flight. (-300) |
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