Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics
These flights were made by Atlantic Sun Airways pilots using FSPassengers. Click on the flight ID to show its details. If you wish to file your flight reports with FSP, please visit the FSP section on our forums. To download the config-file, click here.
Flight# Date Pilot From To Pax Time Result
ASV3568 2009-07-07 Robert Borthwick KMCO KMEM 28 02:04:21 Perfect
ASV5301 2009-06-28 Robert Borthwick MMMD KMCO 21 02:07:06 Horrible
ASV5303 2009-06-21 Robert Borthwick MMMX MMMD 20 01:42:39 Perfect
ASV3910 2008-02-21 Robert Borthwick LIPZ EHAM 30 02:07:01 Perfect
ASV3988 2008-02-02 Robert Borthwick EDDT LIRF 22 02:32:25 Perfect
ASV3957 2008-01-12 Robert Borthwick LIRF EDDT 46 01:57:24 Very poor
ASV3305 2007-12-25 Robert Borthwick LIMC LIRF 1 01:25:27 Perfect
ASV3309 2007-12-14 Robert Borthwick LIRF LIMC 1 01:48:39 Perfect
ASV3307 2007-12-09 Robert Borthwick LICJ LIRF 1 01:27:14 Perfect
ASV3311 2007-12-04 Robert Borthwick LIRF LICJ 1 01:16:50 Perfect
ASV3304 2007-11-27 Robert Borthwick LIMC LIRF 1 01:44:31 Average
ASV3313 2007-11-24 Robert Borthwick EDDS LIMC 2 01:24:04 Perfect
ASV3286 2007-11-19 Robert Borthwick EHAM EDDS 0 01:45:51 Perfect

Only the last 50 flights are shown.