Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics
These flights were made by Atlantic Sun Airways pilots using FSPassengers. Click on the flight ID to show its details. If you wish to file your flight reports with FSP, please visit the FSP section on our forums. To download the config-file, click here.
Flight# Date Pilot From To Pax Time Result
ASV1715 2009-04-30 Dwayne Etchison KDEN KSTL 27 02:00:25 Very Bad
ASV1480 2006-04-09 Dwayne Etchison KDEN KMCO 260 03:29:12 Perfect
ASV1053 2006-04-08 Dwayne Etchison KBIL KDEN 62 02:00:26 Perfect
ASV1309 2006-04-07 Dwayne Etchison KDEN KBIL 60 01:53:46 Poor
ASV1645 2006-04-07 Dwayne Etchison KIND KDEN 164 02:24:38 Perfect
ASV1180 2006-04-07 Dwayne Etchison KORD KIND 99 00:58:32 Perfect
ASV1669 2006-04-06 Dwayne Etchison KMCI KORD 99 01:36:24 Good
ASV2041 2006-04-05 Dwayne Etchison KEWR KMCI 112 02:52:17 Perfect
ASV1897 2006-04-05 Dwayne Etchison KMIA KEWR 67 02:50:54 Average
ASVAS031 2006-04-05 Dwayne Etchison KMCO KMIA 28 00:52:26 Perfect
ASV2210 2005-08-01 Dwayne Etchison KMCO KIND 104 02:24:58 Perfect
ASV2076 2005-07-28 Dwayne Etchison KEWR KMCO 165 02:31:26 Good
ASV239 2005-07-22 Dwayne Etchison KMCO KFLL 29 00:50:07 Poor
ASV191 2005-07-05 Dwayne Etchison KEWR KMCO 160 02:16:29 Average
ASV1464 2005-07-05 Dwayne Etchison KDEN KEWR 116 03:19:38 Horrible
ASV1313 2005-07-03 Dwayne Etchison KDEN KBOI 90 01:43:12 Horrible
ASV1699 2005-07-03 Dwayne Etchison KLAS KDEN 36 01:44:34 Horrible
ASV2226 2005-07-11 Dwayne Etchison KMCO KLAS 107 04:19:17 Perfect

Only the last 50 flights are shown.